Last week we had the Kick-Off meeting of the KA2 FSEU, a Cooperation Project about Fake News and EU tools against disinformation. We discussed the most important things of the project such us the WorkPlan and the Toolkit.

Spain was the responsible of the Dissemination Plan, so we presented it highlighting the most important aspects such as publication on websites, dissemination of the project in schools, guidelines for good communication, etc. We also exposed the Periodic Reporting with an example so all partners could understand what to do.

Also, MAD for Europe explained step by step to the rest of the partners the website that we created, going in details with all the pages. We also presented the social networks so all partners could join them. This presentation ended with the project Leaflet, that has to be translated in all partners languages. 

We will meet again next November 2021 in Rome.

#KA2FSEU #Erasmusplus #CooperationProjects #Fakenews