MADRID – MAD for Europe presents the: Final Dissemination Seminar “Guidance and Innovation” of its KA2 project EDU.GUIDANCE. Competences for educational guidance and career management, a challenge for education”.
a challenge for education”.
This is a project funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union whose aim is to contribute and provide solutions in the implementation of a quality and collaborative guidance system and to
limit school drop-out due to inappropriate choices. For almost three years, MAD for Europe and I.E.S. Pedro Salinas, together with four other collaborating countries (Portugal, Italy, Slovenia and Greece), have carried out this project with excellent results.
It will take place on Friday 19th May from 09:30 to 16:00 (there will be presentations during the whole day and you can attend as many as you want) in the “Salón de Actos del I.E.S. Pedro Salinas” in Calle del General Marva, 26B.
On this occasion the results of the project will be presented to a wide audience of young people, adults, companies, representatives of educational policy institutions, local training and employment agencies, heads of educational centres of different levels. The seminar will be open to the public.

Seminario de Difusión _Orientación e Innovación_