KA2 CisU – Culture is YOU

Number of project: 2021-2-AT01-KA220-000049580


Support programm

Erasmus + KA2 Cooperation Partnership


The main aim of the project CisU is to promote cultural awareness among young adults who are facing diverse barriers like long-term unemployment or a lower skills level.

Art and culture are central factors of socialisation and the basis for the development of key competences. But especially young adults with diverse limitations perceive culture as something abstract. Therefore, we want to provide this target group with basic cultural education and show them possibilities of how they can participate in shaping culture. In this way, they can increase their self-confidence and are better integrated into society.

Project website


CisU Facebook Page





bit Schulungscenter GmbH (Austria)  – applicant and coordinator of the project – http://www.bitschulungscenter.at

MAD FOR EUROPE (Spain) – https://www.madforeurope.org

EDUCA INTERNATIONAL, o.p.s. (Czech Republic) www.educaops.eu

Stowarzyszenie Nowa Kultura i Edukacja (Poland) www.nkie.pl

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or OeAD-GmbH. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.