Number of project: 2019-1-IT01-KA202-007455
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership
HOWL (Hospitality at Work with Languages) is an exchange of good practices with the aim of supporting the learning of foreign languages. To be more specific, the partnership intends to focus on the learning of a second language (English and German) in the vocational training courses in the HORECA (Hospitality, Restaurant and Tourism) sector that also includes some forms of work-based learning as a distinctive part.

The main aims of the project are as follows. On the one hand there is the exchange of good practices and, on the other hand, with relation to the findings, there is also the building of a future project of “development of innovation,” developing tools and methodology that can be transferred to other contexts and training courses of the partners.
Project website
(in process)

ENGIM Piemonte, partner from Italy – applicant and coordinator of the project – https://piemonte.engim.org/
Academy for Development and Vocational Training, partner from Germany – https://www.abu-ggmbh.de/
MAD FOR EUROPE, partner from Spain – https://www.madforeurope.org
North West Academy, partner from UK – https://northwestacademy.net/
Zespół Szkół nr 8 im. Stanisława Staszica Szczecin, partner from Poland – http://zs8.szczecin.pl/

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Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain
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