Number of project: 2020–1-AT01-KA204-078132
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Cooperation Partnership
MULTIPLUS (Migrant Multipliers Build Bridges). The aim of this project is to contribute to the integration of migrants in terms of improving the means of dialogic communication and the transfer of basic societal skills, information, participatory values and democratic practices.

There are certain challenges accompanying multipliers’ tasks:
- A lack of knowledge about educational methods in general, since multipliers have all kinds of professional backgrounds
- A discrepancy between teaching methods used in Western Europe and those used in the multipliers’ origin countries
- The challenge of effectively disseminating information about basic principles of participation, democracy and values in European societies
Project website

OMEGA Transcultural Centre for mental and physical health and integration, partner from Austria – applicant and coordinator of the project – www.omega-graz.at
Mhtconsult, partner from Denmark – www.mhtconsult.dk
MAD FOR EUROPE, partner from Spain – https://www.madforeurope.org
Università delle LiberEtà, partner from Italy – www.liberetà-fvg.it
Slovenska Filantropija, partner from Slovenia – www.filantropija.org

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Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain
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