Number of project: 2018-3-DK01-K205-059863
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership
SUPEER project aims to facilitate and pave the way for a sustainable social inclusion among young refugees and ethnic minorities based on a new peer-to-peer intercultural concept.
It combines an intercultural mentor education and a common programme for co-creative and intercultural activities for all the young peers and participants, launched by the young peers themselves in 6 different countries.

- To build a bridge, between separated concepts and transfer the conceptual understanding to the pedagogical practice in the SUPEER programmes
- To challenge the general conceptual understanding of integration, through the ”crossreading” with other conceptual perspectives. The mutual peer-to-peer programme as a way to build social and cultural capital
The Supeer LAAP
The SUPEER LAAP is a transnational and interactive peer-to-peer learning app as storage for the SUPEER programmes, learning materials, the young peers’ own activities and advice to other youngsters and video instructions, that will be developed during the project.
Project website
CLAVIS (Denmark) applicant and coordinator of the project – https://www.clavis.org/
uniT – Arts Association at the Karl-Franzens University of Graz, partner from Austria – https://www.uni-t.org/en
Iberika, partner from Germany – https://www.iberika.de/
CESIE, partner from Italy – https://cesie.org/
MAD for Europe, partner from Spain – https://www.madforeurope.org/
EQuIP, partner from UK – https://www.equipequality.org.uk/
MEETINGS of the project
- 1st Transtational Meeting: Meeting in Denmark 8-9 April 2019
- Training Course in Italy – July 2019
- 2nd Transtational Meeting: Meeting in Austria 7-8 October 2019

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Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain
Where We Are
Calle Carranza 25, 5. Office 4
28004 Madrid, Spain
Phone : (+34) 91 041 38 84
Email: info@madforeurope.org