Number of project: 2018-1-PL01-KA205-050375
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Strategic Partnership
The project “The bond: Improvement of situation of teenage girls who get pregnant and give birth” is a multilateral strategic partnership between 7 European countries which goal is to improve the situation of teenage girls who get pregnant and give birth. The project throughout its topic is innovate and additionally enables to create specific tools.

For this project, each partner has created a blog where they publish articles and useful information for teenage mothers that want to give birth but that they are facing many problems: economic, social, geographical…
Target group
Teenage mothers
Project website

Fundacja po DRUGIE, partner from Poland – applicant and coordinator of the project – http://podrugie.pl/
Right Challenge, partner from Portugal – https://rightchallenge.org/
CICIA, partner from Romania – https://es-es.facebook.com/cicia.ro/
MAD for Europe, partner from Spain – www.madforeurope.org
MHA Dobra wola, partner from Belarus
European Institute for Local Development, partner from Greece – https://eurolocaldevelopment.org/
University of Thessaly, partner from Greece – https://www.uth.gr/
MEETINGS of the project
- 1st Transtational Meeting: Meeting in Portugal 17-18 September 2018
- 2nd Transtational Meeting: Meeting in Romania 11-12 March 2019
- 3rd Transnational Meeting (Training Event): Meeting in Greece 6-10 May 2019
- 4rd Transnational Meeting: Meeting in Greece 27-28 November 2019
- 5th Transnational Meeting (Training Event): Meeting Online (it was going to be in Madrid 6th – 9th April 2021
- Final Meeting: Meeting Online (it was going to be in Poland) 26th-27th April 2021
- 1st Meeting of the KA2 THE BOND in Portugal
- 2º Meeting del KA2 «The Bond» en Rumanía
- Training Event KA2 The Bond in Athens, Greece
- 3rd Meeting of the Project about teenage mothers in Volos
- What about the blog of the KA2 The Bond?
- Seminar KA2 The Bond in Madrid
- Don’s miss the Blog about The Bond
- Final Event of the KA2 The Bond

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”
Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain
Where We Are
Calle Carranza 25, 5. Office 4
28004 Madrid, Spain
Phone : (+34) 91 041 38 84
Email: info@madforeurope.org