Number of project: 2020-1-ES01-KA201-082215
Support programme
Erasmus + KA2 Cooperation Partnership
The EDU.GUIDANCE: “The competences for the educational GUIDANCE and the professional career management, a challenge for School Education” project is a multilateral Strategic Partnership between 5 European countries whose goal, in addition to the specific objectives of the project, is to innovate, internationalize and make educational guidance more effective, by integrating it into the didactics and creating awareness of the different agents that influence the choice processes of young people.

The idea of the project was born from the several years of experience in guidance developed by all the European partners to help students in their choice of career in order to innovate, internationalise and make guidance more effective by integrating it into the didactics and creating awareness of the different actors influencing the choice processes of young people.
Project website

MAD FOR EUROPE, partner from Spain. Applicant and coordinator of the project – https://www.madforeurope.org
EPROMAT, partner from Portugal – https://epromat.pt/
ITALY FOR EU, partner from Italy – http://italyforeu.org/
GOINNO, partner from Slovenia – https://www.vseuk.si/
I.E.S. Pedro Salinas, partner from Spain – https://www.iespedrosalinas.org/
Platon School, partner from Greece – https://platon.edu.gr/?fbclid=IwAR034r08DvT8pFOJhExGHqX-NJbPlH2hNRahcZr-s-hUSllFo4fZoi96uaA

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Final Video KA2 MAMEC Spain
Where We Are
Calle Carranza 25, 5. Office 4
28004 Madrid, Spain
Phone : (+34) 91 041 38 84
Email: info@madforeurope.org