
Brochure KA2 HOWL

Brochure KA2 HOWL

We want to share with you the Brochure of the KA2 “HOWL: Hospitality at Work with Languages”, coordinated by...

Seminar KA2 The Bond in Madrid

Seminar KA2 The Bond in Madrid

  We've been working in this KA2 The Bond almost a year and a half, and it's very interesting. The main objective...

Video of the KA1 HELPDIS!

Video of the KA1 HELPDIS!

  Yes... we have already the final video of the KA1 HELPDIS: ‘The Power of Sensory Language: HELPing...

Abschlussvideo KA2 MAMEC Spanien

Wo du uns findest

Calle Carranza 25, 5. Stock, Büro 4
28004 Madrid, Spanien

Telefon : (+34) 91 041 38 84

Über MAD for Europe