Our 5th KA1 Youth Exchange has been a total success!
A few days ago, we enjoyed our 5th Youth Exchange in Madrid! The topic was how to recycle in a dynamic...
New Course! Happy School and Positive Education
We're very happy to announce a new Training Course that MAD for Europe will impart from now on in Madrid! The...
Nuestro proyecto KA1 R3CYCLE en la radio local de Madrid!
Ayer tuvimos la gran oportunidad de visitar la radio local del Ayuntamiento de Madrid. Nos invitaron para...
Dissemination of the KA1 R3CYCLE on the radio
Yesterday, we had the great opportunity of visiting the local radio of the Council of Madrid! The program of...
Tercera Reunión Transnacional KA2 SMART en Madrid
Durante estos días, tuvimos la Tercera Reunión transnacional del KA2 SMART en Madrid. Los días de reunión...
3rd Transnational Meeting of the KA2 SMART in Madrid
During these days, we had the 3rd Transnational Meeting of the KA2 SMART in Madrid. The Meeting was from the...
HELP DIS: è stato approvato il nostro sesto Scambio Giovanile!
Siamo molto felici di annunciare che l'Agenzia Nazionale ha approvato il nostro sesto scambio giovanile! ...
HELP DIS: our 6th KA1 Youth Exchange approved!
We're very happy to announce that the National Agency has approved us our 6th Youth Exchange! ...
Corso di formazione in “Psicologia educativa” a Madrid dal 12 al 18 maggio 2019
La scorsa settimana abbiamo ricevuto un gruppo proveniente da Atene, Grecia, composto da 12 professori di scuole di...
APV del KA1 R3CYCLE a Madrid
Per preparare il KA1 R3CYCLE del prossimo mese di giugno, abbiamo organizzato una riunione con gli 8 soci...
2º Meeting del KA2 “The Bond” in Romania
L'11 e il 12 marzo passati, abbiamo partecipato al secondo meeting in Romania, in particolare a Piatra Neamt, a...
Training Event KA2 The Bond in Athens, Greece
From the 6th of May until de 10th of May 2019, the partners of The Bond met in Athens to participate in a...
Abschlussvideo KA2 MAMEC Spanien
Wo du uns findest
Calle Carranza 25, 5. Stock, Büro 4
28004 Madrid, Spanien
Telefon : (+34) 91 041 38 84