Looking for new partners KA2 Strategic Partnership in Adult Education
MAD for Europe is a EU organization located in the centre of Madrid and highly specialized in European Mobility...
KA1 MAD for Culture, our fourth Youth Exchange!
From the 18th of November to the 23rd of November, we had our fourth KA1 Youth: MAD for Culture. ...
The project “New Skills, New Jobs” has finished, but with great success
We are very happy to announce that the project "New Skills, New Jobs" has ended with great success! The...
APV of our KA1 MAD for Culture in Madrid
Yesterday, 6ht of November, we had our Advanced Planning Visit of our KA1 MAD for Culture about Cultural...
“Tutto è connessione. Opportunità europee per il settore culturale”
Questa mattina, 30 Ottobre, abbiamo partecipato ad una conferenza dal titolo “Everything is connected: European...
Nuovo progetto KA1: MAD for Culture
Siamo lieti di annunciare che ci è stato approvato un nuovo progetto KA1! MAD FOR CULTURE (nº...
“Todo está conectado. Oportunidades Europeas para el sector cultural”
This morning, October 30th, we attended a conference entitled "Everything is connected: European...
“Europa Creativa, Erasmus+ y Europa con los ciudadanos”
Esta mañana, 30 de octubre, hemos asistido a una Conferencia titulada "Todo está conectado. Oportunidades...
New KA1 Project: MAD for Culture
We’re happy to announce that we got a new KA1 approved! MAD FOR CULTURE (nº...
Tenemos nuevo KA1: MAD for Culture
¡Nos alegramos de anunciar que hemos conseguido la aprobación de un nuevo KA1! MAD FOR CULTURE (nº...
La ricerca di Buone Pratiche del KA2 SMART
Quest’anno siamo partner del Progetto KA2 SMART, un Partenariato Strategico che verte sui Social Media e...
Primer Meeting del KA2 “The Bond”
Desde el 17 de septiembre al 18 del mismo mes, tuvimos nuestro primer Meeting del proyecto KA2...
Abschlussvideo KA2 MAMEC Spanien
Wo du uns findest
Calle Carranza 25, 5. Stock, Büro 4
28004 Madrid, Spanien
Telefon : (+34) 91 041 38 84